
We're not in Russia anymore.

    It's times like these that I wonder if I can afford not to be disgusted by people.  

    I was at the post office today applying for a passport, and as I was standing in line in front of the passport office door, a woman (college-aged, I surmised, since she was shipping a Calculus book) began speaking loudly and harshly (not yelling, but not trying to mask her malcontent, either) to the flustered Asian woman behind the counter about how, "Did you just call me rude?  That's unbelievable.  That is completely uncalled for."  And the woman immediately starts back-pedaling, saying things like, "Oh no, ma'am, I'm sorry.  I just feel that way.  It's just the way I feel right now.  I didn't mean to direct it to you; I'm trying to be nice to you."  

    For the next five or ten minutes while I was waiting in line, this college girl kept ranting on this woman.  "I know you were being nice to me, and I appreciate it, but I wasn't being mean to you, so calling me rude...you never call a customer rude.  That's just wrong."  And the woman was saying, "I know ma'am; I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to say it.  I'm sorry."  All the while, the woman was putting the box for the book together and filling out the paper work, and the girl was texting and ranting and texting, and it just made me sick.  

    If you're rude, I don't think she's out of line to tell you so.  In fact, I know she's not.  Her boss may not think so, and you may not ever feel obliged to return to that post office, but if she thinks you're rude and she wants to tell you you are, you should take it to heart, not make a mess of things and act more rude by making a scene in a post office.

    I wanted to tell that girl that; I felt like her equal as a college student who also needs to mail things.  I wanted to tell her that she was being ridiculous and rude, even if the woman had told her so prematurely.

    And then when I walked out into the parking lot, someone was honking at someone else who was backing up too quickly or something.  

    I just hate people today, I guess.  Well, at least annoying people.

<3 spadeALLcross

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