
Sometimes it's hard to be a woman...

Sad truth no. 1: I have no friends here. I thought I did, but upon further inspection, I realize that I have not connected to anyone beyond my boyfriend and possibly his roommate. That's really my own fault, because once I obtained said boyfriend, I forwent all possibilities of seriousness with my other relationships.

Sad truth no. 2: Operating under the delusion that I did indeed have friends here, I pretended I could afford to neglect somewhat my real friends from home. This includes my family. I have forgotten the power they have, the undeniable fact that they are the only ones who can pull me through anything.

Sad truth no. 3: Sad truths nos. 1 & 2 are really biting me in the butt right now. And I deserve it.

<3 spadeALLcross


Molly said...

Hey you! I've been there. Although I neglected y'all for the robotics boys, not a boyfriend. Those friends will still be there if they were any good at all. They probably miss you too and would love a chance to talk to you again a bunch. So give it a go. You'll be surprised at how many of them will still be there. Especially given how awesome you are.

P.S. I just tried to spell "especially" with an 'a'. I think I'm tired.

Anonymous said...

this is sad.
love, katri