
My life is a canopy over my head...

Wow.  It's ridiculous how much my life is running away with me right now.  As happy as I am, and as much as I feel like I'm generally doing a healthy combination of the things I love to do and the things I need to do, at the end of every week so far this semester, I've looked back and thought, "Crap!  Look at all the stuff I forgot!"  We're only three weeks in, and I'm already feeling like I need a few days off just to catch up on everything I feel like I'm missing.

But it's pretty exciting, actually, having a full life again.  The past two years, I've had school work and a generic social life to occupy my time.  With all the free time I had...things could get pretty boring pretty fast.  Now, my days are more whirlwind, and there have been nights where I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow, but this is a good change of pace for me.  I have stuff to do now, and more than just two friends.  I'm a little worried about my school work, but I trust myself to get it done.

Anyway.  That's the status of my psyche right now.  I'm about to conk out and take a nap, but before I do, I'll [finally] post some pictures of my abode.  I only have my room fully photographed thus far, because I kind of forgot that people would care about the rest of the house if they haven't seen it.  As far as I'm concerned, my bedroom is the coolest place ever...and the rest of the house is kinda great too.

This is my desk and work area.  It looks cluttered, but it's not really.  I just haven't taken the Jarritos bottles out to the recycling yet.  Settle down; we just got our recycling container yesterday, so I'm not being negligent.  

This is above my desk.  The dry-erase calendar is for deadlines and television shows.  Batman and Robin are for comic relief.

This is my sleeping area.  My lunchbox is also here...I somehow always forget to take the icepacks out of that.  Oh, and there's the open window through which the neighbors' dogs stare at me.  Kind of creepy.

D'aww, Eeyore's adorable.

And here's my favorite part.  My reading nook.  It's actually become more of a nap nook recently, but that's certainly not a bad thing.

And here's my other favorite part.  My adorable closet.

So that's my room.  Right now, it's actually quite messy because I didn't have time yesterday between class and work and homework and work to put things away properly, and because the sudden storm that hit a couple nights ago did me the honor of wetting my bed.  I will fix it either presently or tomorrow.



<3 spadeALLcross

1 comment:

Molly said...

=) Looks cozy. And nice. And Oppa makes me smile. I actually was just telling a friend about my summer and how I turned you into Azula and we chatted about Oppa. Are you still gonna use that for Halloween btw? If so, I demand pictures this time. =P

Also, I miss you. I find myself as busy as you, and crazy whirlwind-y and it's fun. But I feel like I haven't talked to you in ages. Tons to say. Lots of new friends. 2 girls, more than 2 boys. Also, students that I'm teaching that are kind of friends-ish. Family stuff. My mom's work, grandfather's new knee, Mrs. Jackson's cancer. SO MUCH NEWS. Mayhaps I'll write an email or FB message or something eventually.

Back to the point: !!!!! Love the place. Love you. Miss you. When do you have random time off to come visit me?
