
All I know is that the world looks beautiful, the world look so damn beautiful...

I didn't do any of the things that I said I would do...Big surprise there.

Things are getting exciting in my life.  In four days, I'll take an eight-hour plane ride and lose five hours of my life that I won't get back until June.  This is my last weekend in the only world I've ever known...to put it dramatically.  Well, it's 12:32 am.  Who isn't overdramatic right now?

I'm pretty psyched by now.  It took me a long time to get to the psyched: I was mostly scared up until a couple weeks ago or so, and I was worried and sad last week, but all those things have mostly shed by now to properly reveal the excitement that's been there, waiting in the wings for the past year and a half.

The United States has a lot of things and people that I'm going to miss.  For instance...do they sell mozzarella sticks in the UK?

Anyway, in order to keep up with the people over here whom I love and will miss, I'll be trying to keep at least a semi-regular travel-vlog on YouTube (a practice that is evidently requisite of all college students studying abroad these days...?).  I've already got a few trial episodes up there, just testing out soft- and hardware and trying to figure out what I want to use the thing for...but you can't see those unless I've already shown them to you.  Sorry about that.

But I'll probably have one up by next week, and I'll try to at least semi-update this blog every time I upload a video, so you can keep updated on those.  My YouTube account is "PKsDancingGirl," so feel free to subscribe (if you've got a google account).


A lot of the excitement is flavored with a bit of...I don't know what to call it.  An oversimplified way to put it is "fear of the unknown," but that's not wholly it.  Like I said, I'm not really scared anymore, not worried so much, but I just feel so unprepared, and I don't particularly like that feeling...ever in life.  My element is a rather small cave with a very narrow entrance that opens to an eternally stormy inlet, and when I get out of my element, I quickly feel uncomfortable.

Basically, I'm just warning you, that if the culture shock is bad, there might be a few angsty posts during the first few weeks.  Probably no reason for alarm.

I'm not making any promises on the vlog or blog, by the way: I plan on living my life...though I do love the internet.

<3 spadeALLcross

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm so excited for your adventures! Frankly I think you are going to rock your semester and kick its butt.

I look forward to your updates (blog or VLOG!!! :-D ) and also think EVERYSINGLEONE of your updates should be accompanied by a 7-panel colored webcomic. It's not like they take THAT much time to do...kidding!
Side note: How would you show accents in a webcomic?