There he is, in all his glory. This was before the flood waters of the Chicago river assaulted him. Now he's a bit dustier. But I love him just the same. He's a 2007 Prius. I don't know the package number, but he has JBL speakers. No navigation or bluetooth, though, so I think that puts him at a III, not a IV, though he has all the buttons of a IV. And he's got a back-up camera, which beeps when I'm in reverse, and is proving only a little helpful, and mostly annoying.
Here are some pictures of Seamus communing with nature, as Hybrids are wont to do.
Also note the comfort level of the robin with the car. They are part of the same circle of life, and so are inherently brothers...
Yup. I love my car. He and I have already bonded a lot over the past week. And he and Geoffrey get along...mostly. Geoffrey has a stand that I don't want to start sticking to Seamus, as he is rather fragile and shiny and I don't want to get him mottled and sticky.
Anyway. Onwards and upwards.
Today was great. I was still kind of in a giddy buzz from lack of sleep (I had to wake up at eight to clean my room before our cleaning crew got here) but I deposited money in the bank, met my new babysitting charge (the adorable nine-month-old child of my former English teacher) and took a nap. And I hung out with Cari, saw her new house, which is pretty sweet. And I replied to some emails.
Tomorrow I have to pack for camping next week. Beeteedubs, I shan't be blogging next week, as wifi is hard to come by in les mountains.
I think that's all there is to report. Our sponsors have been busy today, and want to share their bounty with you.
<3 spadeALLcross
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