Also, in that time, Dennis went to the oral surgeon and came back with a few less teeth.

I think not. I doted on him, probably not as much as I should have, although he's one of those people, you know, who doesn't want anybody to help him, so there may not have been much I could have done. I guess we'll never know now.
In other news, Ben has discovered WoW. Specifically, free 10-day trials thereof. Thus opens a potentially dangerous chapter of his life...

But at least it gives me one more thing about which to mock him mercilessly. I do enjoy having a large arsenal of those. I mean, if the guy is going to be all super-computer intelligent and be in a major that's probably going to land him in a nigh-instantly lucrative job post-college, I'm going to need a huge vat of meaningless things that make him look .01% stupider.
I'm not too worried, from the girlfriend standpoint. I'm pretty sure I can trust that Ben will be responsible enough not to drive me to the verge of insanity and turn me into the girlfriend that everybody hates, who will then, in turn, turn him into the guy who's catatonic, curled up in the fetal position in the corner, chewing on his own hair. He's just a swell guy, that way.
My GPS is supposed to come tomorrow. My father and I are doing more car shopping tomorrow. Also, I'm making dinner tomorrow.
And I'm catching up on sleep tonight. I really want to watch some Star Trek, though...
And now a word from our sponsors.
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