
Busy day of nothingness...

Did a few odds-and-endsie sort of stuff, then visited my old floor where my two friends are the RAs, helped 'em make decorations. Including this awesome one that I'm really [unhealthily] jazzed about:

See, every consecutively linear combination of three is a cause&effect story. They all make sense to me, though I'll admit that most of them are quite...elaborate. But I want it to be like those inkblot things where people create their own stories as they find them, and I want to know what stories they come up with...

So if you're reading this and you can see that picture, please post your stories in the comments! Please please please! I don't care if I don't know you; I am inordinately excited about this.

Then I came home, did some dishes, found out that I'm getting my own room, and am now about to go to sleep on the couch.

<3 spadeALLcross

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