
How could I dance with another when I saw her standing there?

Today was a lovely day! I got so much stuff done, and had fun, and spent money, but not too much...lovely day.

Got home from Cari's, showered, then went out with my mom. We went to Khol's to get me some professional clothes for both any job that I might get and for my upcoming semester of observing students in their natural habitat. I fit into everything I tried on, and had enough money to buy a good amount of clothes. We also went to PNC and opened a new bank account for me! Hooray! Now I can deposit money into my account while I'm in Michigan, and get money from ATMs instead of just the cash-back at Meijer. That was always a challenge...I had to buy, like, a pack of Ramen or something just so I could get money to pay someone back for something.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, as I recall. I finished ripping Dune Messiah and started Children of Dune. I also started watching a TV show called Life that a friend had recommended to me. The characters do creepy facial expressions sometimes, and the main character has a weird mouth/lisp thing, but it's a pretty good show.

Tomorrow, I'm getting a haircut and a pedicure, and babysitting. I should also pack up my clothes.

And now, a word from our sponsors.

<3 spadeALLcross

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