
Midterm: Conquered

So today was a little more productive than yesterday.  I finished cleaning my room, played some neopets (oh dear...yes, I know...but it was just the Mah Jong...I promise) and then took my car in for an oil change and tire rotation and all that jazz.  Something was cracked and some other thing was wearing down or something, and I maybe should ask more questions and learn something about cars, but I decided to just let them fix it all so that I could feel safe when I drive to Missouri this weekend for my friend's wedding.

Then I came home and studied for my midterm, napped, and studied some more.  Then I went and took the midterm, and probably owned it, though I also got massive cramps in my hand.  That was a lot of writing; maybe the most hand-writing I've ever done in college.  It was pretty intense.

The sad thing is that of all the stuff I studied, none of it I learned from this class that I'm taking.  All the stuff I learned was from my religion classes, my Islam class, my high school, junior high, and even elementary school classes, as well as stuff I picked up from the History channel.  This professor is...dismal.

After class, I watched How I Met Your Mother on TV with my mom.

Tomorrow, I'm going to watch Annabelle for the day.  Should be fun and exhausting simultaneously.

<3 spadeALLcross


Quick! The Internet ate my day!

Yeah, today wasn't as productive a day as it could have been...I have a midterm tomorrow evening, so I had planned to study for the better part of the morning and early afternoon, but...you know how me and studying are.  (Hint: not friends.)  So I spent the morning writing blog posts for later, changing my desktop background to one with a direwolf on it, changing my chrome theme to one that matched the direwolf, and pretending I had important emails to answer.  Then I studied for about two hours.  Wuph.

In the afternoon, I took Annabelle to swimming class.  We have a little kiddie pool that we put out on the porch on nice days, and Annabelle really loves it, so I figured swim class at Birchwood would be like the pinnacle of existence for her.  And she did really like bouncing in the water and immediately after her class was over, she wanted to be the teacher (this is a habit of hers; she's a bit of a control freak for one so young) but she was way more scared of water than I remember being at her age.  I guess I probably was, though, because most of the kids in that class were.  And when I think about it, it's completely normal.  I mean, I'm still scared of water, just more rationally.  I have water-in-the-ear problems when I go swimming now, and drowning is one of my biggest fears, and sharks aren't my favorite.  How much more would a little kid be scared of water?  They have no reason to trust it; they haven't been in water long enough to know that they float, and no matter how much we tell them we're going to hold them up and make sure they don't get stuck underwater, why should they believe us?  For all they know, we might not be strong enough to fight the water.

Anyway, Annabelle was not too keen about kicking or scooping or...anything but bouncing and bossing me around, really.  I hope she grows out of that.  She likely will, I think, it just makes me sad to think that she might not.  I loved summers when I was a kid specifically because I could swim in the pool.

So after swim class, we came home and had dinner, and then my mom, Annabelle, and I went to Kohl's to return some of the stuff we got on Sunday and use our Kohl's cash to buy more things!  Yay consumerism!  Then I cleaned my room and my mom and I watched Much Ado About Nothing.

That was Tuesday.  I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought...though I still have a ton of studying to do.

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Case of the Mondays? Not here.

Woof!  Today I did things!  It was great!

1)   Cleaned my room a bit.  Not completely finished, but major headway has been made, let me tell you.  I hadn't finished cleaning after moving back in for the summer, so...well it's better now.  Let's not dwell on the past.

2)   Went to the library and picked up a couple new books about Homosexuality and Christianity, and also one by Jim Wallis about "an alternative to the Christian Right."  I still have to finish Do Not Ask What Good We Do, so I don't know how quickly I'll get to these.  Also, I have a midterm this week.  We'll just see.

3)   Made Annabelle a time-out glitter timer.  I'm going to post pictures and instructions on my other blog, but I've got to get them off my camera, which means getting up to cross the room and...meh.  Not right now.

4)   Made a thing to hold and display my necklaces and bracelets!  Woo!  I've been needing one for a while, since I used command hooks back in Grand Rapids.  I like this one and may keep it for a while, even when I go back to Michigan.  Again, gonna post pictures and how-tos on my other blog eventually.

5)   Went to class.  Ugh.

6)   Watched four episodes of How I Met Your Mother.  I have never seen a full episode before; I like it more than I thought I would.

Okay, I've got stuff to do tomorrow.  Let's see if it happens.

<3 spadeALLcross