
Helge Bracegirdle b. Oct. 2, 1941

In 1967, a young man named Helge Bracegirdle, a field zoologist from southern Eriador bought a one-way plane ticket to Sydney, Australia. He sold all of his earthly possessions, kissed his mother goodbye, told his college sweetheart he’d write her a letter every week, and set off on the biggest adventure of his life. He had heard rumors that the mythical beast, Christian Scholarship, had been spotted in the outback; he was going to hunt it down and not return home until he had made a name for himself.
Unfortunately for Bracegirdle, the rumors had been just that and nothing more. As everyone knows, Australia began as a penal colony for the British, so it has a history of Godlessness and illiteracy. The outback, then, could not have been Christian Scholarship’s native habitat, as its diet of highly qualified Christian minds would have been in too short of supply to sustain any herds for more than one generation. Any Christian Scholarship spotted there was not in healthy order, and didn’t survive long enough for Bracegirdle to even catch a glimpse.
By the time Bracegirdle recognized this, it was 1973 and he was thirty years old. His long-distance relationship with the woman who had promised to wait for him and become his wife when he returned from his arduous journey had ended two years previous, as he had run out of money for postage stamps. His hands were calloused from the hot winds of Australia’s arid landscape, and his vocal inflections sounded more rough and uneducated than they had five years previous—he was becoming one of the “mates.” But he had not yet lost hope. He got a full-time job at a barbie in Newcastle and lived like a wild man in the forest until he had raised enough money for a plane ticket to London, England. His newfound outdoorsy intuition had given him the insight that the ruin-smattered hillsides and history of enlightenments would provide ample breeding ground for herds of Christian Scholarship.
But alas, another ten years passed without sign of the Christian scholarship. Bracegirdle hadn’t realized that the growing European atheism had led to the fallowing of once religiously fertile lands. He found nothing but wanton debauchery around every corner of England’s city streets and grassy countryside. However, hope was not completely lost; the television in the post office where he worked always showed clips of the many thousands of Christians across the ocean in America. From what the clips showed, Bracegirdle worried that the Christian Scholarship was getting only meager helpings of intelligence from its food stock in the United States. There wasn’t a moment to lose.
At last, when he reached the purple mountains majesty and amber waves of grain on the Tarmac of JFK International Airport, Bracegirdle knew that he’d come to the right place. The bars and stars of Old Glory welcomed him to the free world, where surely Christian Scholarship would find the perfect spot to nest and populate. All he needed now was a map, a bus ticket, and a point in the right direction.
But that was thirty years ago. It’s a shame, really, because if Helge Bracegirdle had waited just a few more decades, he wouldn’t have had to do anything more than hop on the internet and run a quick Google search. He could have kept his love life in tact, he wouldn’t have needed so many underpaid jobs, and he could have done it all from the comfort of his own Eriadorian home.

More to come later...maybe. Really, I just needed somewhere to put this so I could use it as a source for my paper. Hooray for academic fudgery!

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Mr. Sandman, come send me a dream

I have been having really vivid dreams lately. I'm still trying to remember the one I had early this morning, because it was a good one, whereas the other ones this week have all been nightmares. They wake me up and keep me from easily getting back to sleep. I'll look at the clock, hoping that it's late enough, close enough to the time I would have to get up anyway, that I can just start my day and not have to go to bed. And I've been going to bed later and later and avoiding naps even though I really need them because these dreams scare me, and I wake up unable to stop thinking about them.

The one I had on Monday was the first one I can remember, though I vaguely recall some frightening sleeping experiences over the weekend. Monday morning, I woke up at 3:00 and couldn't figure out why I had , except that maybe my decongestants were wearing off and I was having a hard time breathing. I feel asleep again eventually and had a dream where I was going around with my boyfriend and this other girl I know, following the destructive path of a serial larcenist. I think I've had this dream before, and in the dream I recognized what was going on and kept trying to be one step ahead of the guy. But all the stuff ended up getting stolen anyway, and the girl that was with me almost died because I'd brought attention to us and the larcenist was trying to stop us from catching him. He burned down my house, and I think my grandmother was still inside. I woke up at 6:30 with that thought in my head. I almost got up and started doing homework or something, but my body was still too tired to be on my side about that.

Then yesterday, I fell asleep reading for one of my classes, and I had a dream where I was in Arabia during the 1950s. I don't know if it was really supposed to be Saudi Arabia or somewhere in Africa; all I know is that it was called Arabia. I was captain of the guard, right hand man (because I was a man) to the Sultan. After WWII, they were planning some big reforms of policy, and the Sultan had me sit in on the meetings when he couldn't. The one meeting I vividly remember was talking about beginning a census in Arabia. The US had made the form template and had sent us a copy to approve, and most of the people in the meeting thought it was a bad idea. One guy asked, "Who's in command of Arabia? Is it Harry Truman? No, I don't think so. So why does he suddenly call the shots." It was then that I remembered some bit of intelligence that said someone was going to try to assassinate the Sultan, so I ran out of the meeting and to his chambers, but he was already dead, and his son, Aladdin (yes, that Alladin. Don't judge my subconscious stereotypes) had been taken from his crib. And I woke up to go to dinner wondering why I hadn't remembered the foul plot in time.

And what sucks most about this is that I remember these dreams really clearly. And the one I had this morning, which I remember being happy about because it wasn't scary or sad, I don't remember.

Also, I'm breaking out like crazy. I have five zits on my face right now, which is three more than I had this weekend and five more than I ever got through all of high school. I hope all of this is just a result of the stressful time of year, but just in case it has something to do with my diet, I've started being more conscious about what I eat.

But it's creeping me out/making me angry, and I would like it to stop. I keep snapping at people for no reason other than the fact that I don't sleep well, and I get into slumps where I can't focus on my work because I'm so tired. I usually love sleeping, but now it scares me.

Anyway, that's what's going on in my life right now.

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