Woof! Today I did things! It was great!
1) Cleaned my room a bit. Not completely finished, but major headway has been made, let me tell you. I hadn't finished cleaning after moving back in for the summer, so...well it's better now. Let's not dwell on the past.
2) Went to the library and picked up a couple new books about Homosexuality and Christianity, and also one by Jim Wallis about "an alternative to the Christian Right." I still have to finish Do Not Ask What Good We Do, so I don't know how quickly I'll get to these. Also, I have a midterm this week. We'll just see.
3) Made Annabelle a time-out glitter timer. I'm going to post pictures and instructions on my other blog, but I've got to get them off my camera, which means getting up to cross the room and...meh. Not right now.
4) Made a thing to hold and display my necklaces and bracelets! Woo! I've been needing one for a while, since I used command hooks back in Grand Rapids. I like this one and may keep it for a while, even when I go back to Michigan. Again, gonna post pictures and how-tos on my other blog eventually.
5) Went to class. Ugh.
6) Watched four episodes of How I Met Your Mother. I have never seen a full episode before; I like it more than I thought I would.
Okay, I've got stuff to do tomorrow. Let's see if it happens.
<3 spadeALLcross
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