
Here, have yet another syllabus.

First day of classes.

Japanese was interesting. The professor seems a little loopy, but very engaging, so I imagine I'll enjoy this class.

Convocation was like nothing else I'd experienced before, except maybe my friend's mom's Catholic wedding service, what with all the standing up and down, singing hymns, reciting and reading prayers, and the immense pipe organ, but it was interesting to watch.

Then I sat in my room, ate ramen, and caught up on some stuff I've been meaning to do for the past four days, including finding an ATM on campus, signing up for my band audition, and...eating ramen... Whatever. It felt excitingly productive at the time.

American Music is daunting. I feel slightly overwhelmed with the expectations already, and it's only the first day. Hopefully that will wear off as I get more into the swing of the school year. On the bright side, my big presentation for the semester is going to be on John Williams and the music of Star Wars, so destined to not be dull research there.

American Literature is also daunting, but much more down my alley.  We're rereading very little: most of the stuff I've never read before, so I'm looking forward to getting those under my belt.  

Beeteedubs, the profs for both of those seem like genuinely fantastic people, so I'm not to worried about getting along with them for the most part.

It's raining.  I wasn't expecting that, and am now wearing my second batch of clothes for the day.

Anyway...that's all I have for now.  May post something more interesting later, but that's really quite up in the air.

<3 spadeALLcross

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