
Hang nails are pretty much the worst thing in the world.

    Sitting at home on my bed, looking out over a sizable sea of belongings I've accumulated over the year, and trying to reconcile them, assimilate them into my room (in my head, of course.  I haven't even the slightest inkling of actually unpacking yet).  I'm guessing it's going to mean that I get rid of a lot of my old stuff, because I've had this epiphany that I don't really need most of it at all.  In fact, it's become clear to me that my life could be a lot better if I just got rid of most of it and started over.

That's my job for this weekend.  It's going to be a chore, and it will probably take longer than I can foresee as of now.

But I've got to.  So I will.

<3 spadeAllcross

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