
And the sea is just a wetter version of the skies...

Since we last talked, tons of stuff has happened.  About a week's worth.

Our Calvin group went to Durham and Lindesfarne.  We visited Durham Cathedral (in which photography is not allowed, for anyone who was wondering why I don't have any pictures of the inside) which is the oldest Cathedral in Europe, built by the Normans in the Romanesque architecture.  Interesting stuff, but mostly just beautiful and kind of awe inspiring; I kept wondering how people in the 10th century could possibly build something like that, and how they could make it last for ten more centuries.  There were dozens of stained-glass windows, one of which was made up of broken bits of a medieval window.  The rest were all more recent.  Our conversation with the docent went like this:

"Are those the original windows?"
"Oh, no, those are just from the Victorian Era."
As if the Victorian Era was yesterday.

Then we went to Lindesfarne priory and Lindesfarne Castle.  I talk more about those in my snidgets, so check those out if you want information.

I went to St. Thomas with St. Maurice church again this week, and I loved it again.  Everyone there knows our names already, even though they've only met us once or twice.  It's so great; I don't think I've ever loved a church more than I love this one.  Beautiful building, beautiful people, and refreshments after every service.  Is there anything better?
Then, for dinner, I shared a wonderful meal with a wonderful person.

We made our respective meals together (his was lunch), and then enjoyed each other's company while we ate.  A rather unorthodox way to celebrate Valentine's Day, but probably the best one I've ever had.

Spent this day working on homework.  Sadly, I'm not yet caught up.  You see, the first week.five or so of being here was such a whirlwind of emotions and activities, I hardly got any work done, and I'm paying for that now.  Oh well; I'll get it done in time.  Slow and steady wins the race. 
That night, I had dinner with Josh, Hope, and Ae Hee (Ae Hee made us Japanese-style curry...yumtastic, let me tell you) and then after, I went out for dessert with Josh, Gabe, and Abby, and then we all watched He's Just Not That Into You.  We hadn't planned on it being a romantic comedy, but it worked out pretty well.  I'm warming up to that movie; now that I can watch it with the lowest possible expectations, everything that I actually enjoy seems much better.

Tuesday - Wednesday
Class.  Meh.

Went to class and then attempted to be culinarily creative; I made a sort or weird stew stir-fry thing, with boiled potatoes and carrots, stir-fried onions and garlic, and white rice in a cheese sauce made from garlic, and orange and white cheddars.  I used too much oil to facilitate the cooking, so it was less healthy than I had hoped it would be, but I enjoyed the opportunity to experiment, and Josh ate half of it, so I didn't clog my arteries too much.
Then Josh, Ae Hee, Hope, and I all watched Mulan together.  That was brilliant; not only do I love that movie, but that is a group of people with whom it is just fun to watch Disney movies.

That's today!  Class, some utilitarian shopping for food and scissors and folders and hair products and the like, and, later tonight, a little shindig at the Bratts' house.  It's all very exciting.

Tomorrow we'll be going to Cambridge where my RA from last year lives, so I'll be spending most of the day with him and other people in the group who know him, which will be fun.  It's supposed to be rainy, though, and it's really cold today (my fingers are protesting typing all this out...) so I don't know how enjoyable the city itself is going to be.  I don't mind getting wet, though, I've found.  As long as I don't get sick afterwards.

Don't forget to check out my Flikr/Facebook photos and my YouTube account if you're interested and you haven't already.

<3 spadeALLcross

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