
Don't wanna be an American Idiot

First week is up!  And now it's about time for a proper update, what do you say?

England is shaping up to be brilliant, and York is absolutely corking.  I don't mind saying that there have been some pretty rocky moments (usually hours...when I'm sitting alone in my room) when I have fleeting wishes to return home where everything is comfortable and familiar--if you'll remember my description of "my element," you'll understand why.  But I think those moments are mostly fleeting now.

Some highlights from this week:

- We went to Whitby last weekend (that first batch of uploaded pictures were from there).  I loved the coastal city so much.  It, not surprisingly, reminded me a lot of New England coastal cities like Boston, which have always been my favorite places in the world.  We had fish and chips, and I bought a set of "Royal Heritage" playing cards, where each card has a rendering of one of the kings or queens of England.  They're brilliant.

- I obviously started classes this week.  Aside from the courses "Studies British Culture" and "Rome and its Legacy in Britain" that are taught by a Calvin professor, I'm taking two courses through York St. John: "19th Century Writers" which is specifically British writers, and "Gender, Sexuality, & Popular Culture and Media" which is about a lot of things, primarily the way society and the media reflect back on each other regarding the way we look at genders and sexualities.  Both courses have so far proven to be both really interesting, with students and tutors who are talkative and interesting, and rather easy in terms of workload.  That's good, because the two Calvin classes are rather intense.

- I walked around the entirety of the open sections of wall around York.  Very exciting.

- I went grocery shopping.

- I had my first crumpet.  And my second.  And my third.  And that was before I started buying my own.  I've already gone through seven of those, as well.  Crumpets are amazing.  Especially with blackcurrant jam.

- I went to tea.  Twice.  Like, there was an event on Sunday called a tea, and I went to it.  Then there was another event on Wednesday called a tea, and I went to that as well.  I went to tea.

- I saw the movies The King's Speech and The Queen.  I have decided to make it my life's quest to study the British royalty, because they are fascinating to me.

- I got a 16-25 railcard.  Very good stuff.

- I got ranted at by an older woman on the street.  She had a very thick accent and was mumbling a bit as we walked down the street, so I don't really know what she said, but I think she was "damning [me] to the level of the Chinese theif" at one point, so I'm not sure I really want to know the rest.

- I made stir fry.

- I saw a street performer juggle footballs in the city centre.

I'm fully enjoying myself, and I hope all of you are enjoying yourselves as well.  I've posted a third snidget to YouTube.  Feel free to indulge if you feel so inclined.

<3 spadeALLcross

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