
Do you hear me? I'm talking to you across the water, across the deep blue ocean under the open sky. Oh my. Well, baby, I'm tryin'.

    I've been staying away from this blog lately, and to anyone who has been upset by that, I apologize.  For an array of reasons, the pressure to write witty, intriguing, well-put-together posts has upped in the past month, and, as I am wont to do, I've just been putting off the inevitable attempt at composure in the face of tribulation.

    No more my friend.  Just call me Rayford Steele.

    That's actually a nice segue into a topic that has touched my heart recently.  You know, the Bible is a fascinating piece of literature, history, art, and science.  All my life I've had pastors and parents and friends and revivalists on the street corners telling me that, but I guess what they say in Psych 101 is true: the lightbulb has to really want to change.

    I've taken to reading from the Bible every day.  I'm currently working through Luke, and I'll hit up Acts next, dropping in on the Psalms every now and then and maybe busting out the old Genesis if I get around to it...It sounds more spasmodic than it actually is, I promise.  You see, I went to a summer camp (for high schoolers, ironically enough) last weekend, and it really changed my outlook on life.  I'm not sure if that was the point, but I don't think the staff would mind if they found out.

   So it turns out, I actually like being Christian.  Shocker.  Yeah, I don't know what I'd do without it.  And it's odd, but I'm getting a lot more out of this Bible thing than I actually thought I would.  Way to go Mary.  I guess I just forgot about the whole Superstar thing.

   Another thing I've gotten [back] into lately is Pandora.  I struggle through the mandatory playlist of a sandwich artist all day (consisting of, to my deep chagrin, Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, bad hip-hop and awkward country), and then I come home, kick back with a fresh, cool Facebook and maybe a couple Acolytes (not that I like the Undead Scourge...I'm just slowly hacking away at that particular campaign right now) and turn on the tunes that keep on rocking all the night long with titles I've never heard before but can't wait to hear again.

   Anyway.  I can't remember the original intent of this post, so I'm going to just quit while I'm...where I am.  Make good choices

<3 spadeALLcross

P.S.  I just noticed that all my other blogging friends happened to update recently.  Outer-Limits-y moment...I assure you, I am not a poser.  I'm psyched, but not a poser.

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