
But these are old-man shoes...

Movies are constantly disappointing me. Take, for instance, Despicable Me, which I saw yesterday. It was a great movie. Yes, a children's movie, with a children's movie's flaws, but a great movie once you get past that, which is pretty easy for me.

But real life will never get this cute.

A man's nose can't be that pointy, his legs can't be that spindly, and his adorable little adopted daughters would never be that spunky, nor would his minions be that...weird. Steve Carell doesn't even have an accent. Great movie...great disappointment.

Take, for instance, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, which I just got back from seeing. Not as great a movie, but a much greater disappointment. So, it was another sci-fi/fantasy movie with half-baked explanations that greatly irk the actual sci-fi fan. Big deal. It was no Twilight-disaster movie; it was just a Nicholas-Cage-playing-opposite-a-tennis-ball-on-a-stick movie. But so much of me wished that so much of it was real...ugh.

I wish I could just be normal and detach myself from the fiction I love. I seem to have more troubles than most of my friends at settling for the harsh fact that books and movies are just that and little else. But I suppose, without that...feeling...that almost-pain I get after every time that harsh fact settles in again...without that, I wouldn't be as interested in books and movies as I am. And without those little faux realities, I don't know how much I'd like living in the real one. So, I'll just have to deal with the pain.

That's really all I did today. I watched Annabelle a bit (we went to the library again) and ran some errands, and then went to a movie with Cari. Good day. Tomorrow will be better (=D) By the way, if anyone is reading this and cares (fat chance) I probably won't blog tomorrow night. If I miss it, I'll recap on Sunday night.

Sponsors' Time!

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