

I must have slept ten to eleven hours last night and this morning...crazy. I kind of putzed around until my mom and I left at 3 to see Dennis do the Green show in Bloomington at the Illinois Shakespeare Festival. Then we saw the Tempest. Everything was great. I really enjoyed it. The Tempest is an odd comedy, though, I've found. In my experiences, Shakespearean comedies can often double as modern-day comedies, in that they're actually really funny as well as just having a happy ending. Tempest...mmm...not so much. It's just a happy ending.

Then I drove home, and now I'm watching Dirty Jobs. It's actually a good show. I like the guy; he's funny.

Of course, as the hour rolls over, the infomercials are beginning. DCN breaking special news report! (DCN stands for Dollar Coins News...aka Buy-Our-Collector-Presidential-Dollar-Series-Coins-That-We're-Going-To-Pretend-Are-Worth-More-Than-$1)

My cue to get to bed.

And now a word from our sponsors

<3 spadeALLcross

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