
Can't get down, can't get level; when I'm up, I can't get down...

I barely slept at all last night. I had a lot on my mind, worrying about a lot of inane stuff that, of course, turned to nothing in the morning. I don't think I'm the only person I know whose sleep is so connected to her waking, but I'm the only person who will admit it. My dreams always have something to do with things going on in my life, be it video games I'm playing, things I'm worried about, something I was doing just before bed, and they often carry the same weighty emotions as those real life events. If I'm anxious or excited just before getting into bed, I often can't sleep, and when I do, I have very vivid and immediately recurring dreams of whatever is making me anxious or excited. Sounds pretty straightforward, but it feels really disruptive. I know a few people who have really odd dreams, but they never actually pertain to life, and they rarely ever have trouble sleeping because of their subconscious.

I sometimes wish I was like that. But then again, this is my superpower.

Anyway. Other than that, I learned how cashier's checks work today, and I saw Despicable Me today with my mom and Dennis. The more I think about it, the more I like it. It seemed kind of lame at first, and it is pretty predictable, but it's really cute, and Steve Carell is really good, I think.

Then I [kind of] made dinner. I started making dinner, and then Patrick took over the chicken because he likes grilling things, and my mom took over the macaroni and green beans, because she thought I was doing the chicken and she didn't want anything to explode. So...I set the table...? But it was good, so I don't care.

Tomorrow, to Radio Shack. Also, I think I'm watching Annabelle. Also, I hope I'm seeing Sorcerer's Apprentice. If not, then I shall see it another time.

Okay. Gone now.

<3 spadeALLcross

1 comment:

Molly said...

Despicable Me was adorable!!!!! I'm pretty sure I need to own that movie. It's so simple, and fun, and awesome. =)