
Giving All My Secrets Away...

Went trail riding with Cari and her family today, then came back and babysat Dylan again. Well, I baby sat him for about ten minutes, and then it was his bed time, and then I watched Ghost Rider and...well, fell asleep for a while, then watched A:TLA for a bit before embarrassedly switching it to baseball as the Schaefer's walked in the door.

Ghost Rider made me think of Sorcerer's Apprentice, and now I really want to see that movie again.

Actually, mostly, I just want to get to Michigan and see my friends there again. I miss them. I'm going to miss being home, though too. It's funny; this blog tracks, over the years, my excitement level for school. Thinking back to before Freshman year, I was pumped to start my new life, and then last year, I couldn't sleep for weeks I was so excited to get back to school. Now, since acquiring Seamus, and through him, the feeling of freedom my house had previously lacked, I've gotten much more comfortable at home, and I really can't decide if, if given the choice, I'd stay or go.

But, like my brother pointed out to me once, it doesn't matter what I would decide. I'm not deciding; I have to go. So I better make the most of it.

And now, a word from our sponsors.

<3 spadeALLcross

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