
You fill up my senses...like a walk in the rain...

Today was pretty laid back. My feet and hair were washed while the rest of me went pathetically without. Also, I did pack all of my clothes, with only a little foresight into my clothing needs for the next few days, so I'm probably going to be rummaging around to find stuff to wear. Ah well.

Also, I babysat, and while doing so, I watched Lucky Number Slevin. And while Slevin Kalevra is a great name, that movie was far from re-watchable. It was a well-made movie, and I definitely heartily enjoyed parts of it, but I do not enjoy watching people getting their heads blown off from a close-range pistol, nor do I particularly relish the idea of people suffocating due to a plastic bag duct-taped over their head. Maybe this is a weakness...I choose to disagree. I also watched an episode of Adventure Time, which is probably one of the weirdest things I've seen in quite a while.

As I was leaving, Mr. Schaefer told me that he had been going through some old papers, including my "What Does it Mean to be Human?" paper that I wrote for him over two years ago. I did not want to talk to him about school work, (because that might involuntarily turn into a conversation about how much I had hated him as a teacher) and I didn't remember having to write a paper; I remember making a movie...but whatever.

Goodnight, world.

<3 spadeALLcross

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