
What are you betting on? Your good looks?

Today was a packing day, but I really didn't do much. I got some stuff pulled together that needed to get pulled together, and then I started having computer problems, so I took Sampson to the doctor (aka the Genius Bar at the Apple store).

I told the guy that I was having problem with my permissions, especially those of the files in my /system/library folder. He told me that they could have gotten corrupted during one of the updates to my OS (switching from Tiger to Leopard, and then to Snow Leopard) or in all the rearranging I've done with my accounts over the years. He tells me I should probably do a clean wipe of my machine and just reload all my personal files from my back up. This was something I was prepared for, so it didn't bug me out too much.

But then he ran a diagnostic or repair or some tomfoolery on my hard drive from Disk Utility, having booted up my computer from an external hard drive. "Whup, this doesn't look too good. Looks like your hard drive is...how you say...dubious." That's right, he literally said "how you say." I cringed at the thought of replacing my hard drive, considering how much that would cost, and I figured that I would just talk him out of doing the repair today and walk on eggshells for a few months until I got enough money to buy a new hard drive.

"But hey," nice Genius Apple store man said, "your top case [the keyboard, track pad, and palm rests] is pretty cracked and smudged and gross. That's covered by some Apple guaranteed value wemakesureourhardwarelookslikegoldsopeoplegetjealouswhentheydon'thaveit program, so even though your warantee expired a few months ago, I can replace the top case for you."

That's great, monkey man, but if my hard drive's frying itself to death inside that top case, what does it matter?

"Aaaand, while I've got it opened up, I can just slip a new hard drive in there for you."


"Aaaand it turns out we don't make 80 GB hard drives anymore. I'll just have to give you the 160 GB one."

Bug eyes.

"And how much will this cost me, ChainsmokingsleevetattoomanwhoImaynowwanttomarry?"

*wink* "Just don't tell anyone."

So here I am, posting it on the internet. I won't tell you which store I went to, or which guy it was, but yes, I will tell you that my computer is twice its size and looks good as new. I hope the permissions are fixed; I haven't actually figured out a way to test that yet.

Tonight, after that whole fiasco, and after I went through and reloaded all my applications and drivers and such, Dennis and I went to Blockbuster and bought a few movies, then came home and watched Brothers Bloom, which is quite enjoyable, in case you didn't know.

Tomorrow, I watch Annabelle, clean up my room, and finish packing for good. I should probably shower in there somewhere, too.

And now a word from our sponsors.

<3 spadeALLcross

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